Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 2 - Strategy/Plan for Research

I plan on asking my family, who is Native American, to answer a survey about racism toward Native Americas.  I am going to use a Facebook group that my family has to reach out to various family members. I want to ask a wide variety of question to get a better understanding of racism, inequality, and discrimination against Native Americans.  I think it would be interesting to see if an inequality in education still exists.
Some of the questions I plan to ask are:
1. Were you born on a reservation or raised on a reservation?
2. What is your level of education?
3. What is your current job?
4. Have you experienced racism in any way because you are a Native American?
5. How do people respond when they find out you are Native American?
6. What is your position on sports teams with names like "the redskins"? Do you find them offensive?

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