Thursday, March 14, 2013

No Doubt Video

The band "No Doubt" has been trying to make a come back this year. They released a new album and some new singles. One of these singles, "looking hot," has sparked controversy over its video. The video was removed but the Los Angeles Times  and USA Today, among others, have covered the controversy. The video featured the band members in Native American clothing. Gwen Stefani, the band's lead singer, is seen "communing with a wolf and dancing around a bonfire in the midst of a circle of teepees." Stefani is later seen awaiting her execution after a conflict with a cowboy with her "wrists bound above her head and a bandmate is aiming a gun at her." 

I was able to see this video when it first came out but I was unable to find it again because it has been taken out off of many sites. This video was pretty strange. I couldn't really understand what Native Americans and cowboys had to do with the song. I think it was very racist because it depicted Native Americans in a very negative way. The band later released a statement saying that they did not predict this sort of reaction. I believe that the kind of reaction that would ensue was obvious from the start  and they released it anyway because they wanted the publicity. I think they used to help them stay in the spotlight a little bit longer. I do think that it could be offensive to many. One commenter on the video said that it was a "mockery of [his] culture." In many ways I think it was because it did not seem very realistic and was an extreme stereotype. 


  1. I am not that familiar with the band, and now I am glad of that. It's so obnoxious that they would produce a video like that just to get publicity. They obviously knew the reaction they would get but didn't care about others. It's good that the video was taken down, but they got their publicity anyway. Anyone who uses others and exploits them to get in the news is horrible. The Native American culture should be respected.

    1. I agree. I definitely think they knew what they were doing. I think it was a pretty horrible thing to exploit the Native American culture the way they did. I think it happens more often then we think. The Native American culture is often thought of as very exotic, different, etc. and many people try to take advantage of that and use it in their favor....even if they aren't Native American.
